
We are always looking forward to working together, helping each other, and growing together. We have two bases, the Institute for Advanced Biosciences at Keio University (Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan) and the University of Cincinnati (Ohio, USA), which are connected live by various communication tools, and we are developing dynamic research utilizing the strengths of each location by going back and forth between them.You can participate in a variety of ways, including enrolling in graduate school or postdoctoral research at Keio University in Japan. You can also enroll in graduate school or join as a postdoc in the USA at the University of Cincinnati. Our research activities are guided by the following basic principles.Please feel free to contact us through the contact form or directly to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Sasaki, if our GTP disciplines resonate with you. Please start the subject line with GTP-GEEKS.
Mission and Approach of Sasaki Lab
We strive to maximize the power of our individual members and work together to understand the principles of life and contribute to a more prosperous future for humanity and the world.
1. To elucidate the roles and regulations of GTP energy metabolism and apply them to developing disease treatments and improving health.
2. Helping our lab members grow as excellent researchers and happy, prosperous people.
To achieve these goals, we are pursuing the following visions:
Our Vision (Goals)
1. To pioneer the GTP field as a GTP GEEK.
2. Develop interpersonal skills and communication skills as a leader
3. Publish high-quality original papers as the first author
ATS Labs will follow the following guiding principles in order to achieve its mission and vision.
Our Credo
1. Embrace the opportunity and enjoy conducting research!
Research at ATS Labs spans many fields, and curiosity is a driving force. We are thankful for the opportunity to research and enjoy it.
2. Be a GTP GEEK!
We will utilize the foundation of GTP research we have established over the past 13 years to elucidate novel principles of cellular energetics—GTP—and apply them to our research.
3. Leveraging our strengths to create synergy!
Enhance mutual growth and improvement through understanding and appreciating individual strengths.
4. Practice human relations, communication skills, and leadership abilities!
As a company, we will invest in ourselves to learn and develop human, communicative, and leadership skills.
5. Conducting Rigorous Research and Disseminating Findings Through Scholarly Publications
Continuously evaluate the significance of your research topics, master the art of academic writing, and share your insights with the global scientific community through well-crafted papers. Maximize the impact of your discoveries by publishing high-quality research articles whenever possible.
6. Securing Fellowships and Research Funding
Obtaining research grants serves as validation of your competencies in both science and impact the world to change better. In our ongoing pursuit of excellence, we focus on acquiring writing skills. Our lab is dedicated to lifelong learning and continual self-improvement.