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Jan 22, 2025

Review Paper Accepted

Review Paper Accepted!
We are thrilled to announce that our review paper was accepted on New Year's Eve 2024, marking a joyful conclusion to the year for our team.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current progress in therapeutic development targeting PI5P4K, with a particular focus on the development of inhibitors. We also delve into critical aspects of inhibitor development that have often been overlooked, presenting insights from cell biology, pharmacology, and structural biology in a manner accessible to researchers from various fields. Beyond PI5P4K, we believe this review will benefit those working on kinase-targeted therapies or with a general interest in therapeutic development. We hope you find it informative.

PI5P4K inhibitors: Promising opportunities and challenges.(Review)


Dec 18, 2024

We participated in the GTP Hackathon.
GTP ハッカソンに参加しました

From November 16th to 18th, members of our lab participated in the 3rd GTP Hackathon, held in Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture. The keywords of this research retreat were "Food, Lifestyle, and Physiological Conditions." Topics included GTP as umami, vitamins, diet, health, and disease. Participants explored the connections between GTP and cellular environments down to the microscopic level, generating and sharing innovative ideas that emerged from these discussions. Our lab members presented their research through poster sessions, receiving valuable feedback. This event also provided an excellent opportunity to deepen connections with peers working on diverse research projects.


Nov 14, 2024

PI Atsuo T. Sasaki made a presentation at the University of the Ryukyus


On November 14th, PI Sasaki gave a lecture at the Tropical Biosphere Research Center of the University of the Ryukyus.

FY2020 8th TBRC Seminar
“GTP metabolism and the dynamism of life: A new perspective on living organisms and disease control”
Point + What is important to you in order to have a prosperous career.”


令和6年度 第8回 TBRCセミナー
「GTP代謝と生命のダイナミズム:生体と疾患制御への新視点+ 豊かにキャリアを歩むために大事にしていること」

Nov 13, 2024

PI Atsuo T. Sasaki will make a presentation at the OIST


On November 13th, PI Atsuo T. Sasaki will speak at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST).

Title: "Decoding the evolving role of GTP energetics in bioregulation"

11月13日、PI佐々木がOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University(OIST)で講演します。

タイトル:Decoding the evolving role of GTP energetics in bioregulation

Nov 6, 2024

Student Research Squad! "Paving the Way of Research! Professor. Atsuo's Science History" is Now on YouTube.


Our lab students have researched the research career of our PI, Atsuo T. Sasaki, and compiled it into a video series (in Japanese).

1.PhD Stage
2.Postdoc Stage
3.PI Stage
It’s a three-part series. Please take a look!


Oct 31, 2024

We will be exhibiting a GTP GEEKS booth at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society.

第97回日本生化学会大会にてGTP GEEKSのブースを出展します

A GTP GEEKS booth will also be on display at the 97th Japan Biochemical Society Convention to be held at Pacifico Yokohama on November 7th.
In this exhibition, we will introduce new functions of GTP and its application to cancer and metabolic diseases.
Our research is carried out in collaboration with experts in multiple fields such as structural biology, drug discovery, and omics analysis.
At our booth, we will share our research results and seek new collaborators and GTP research colleagues.
If you want to solve the mysteries of GTP metabolism and contribute to future treatments, or if you are interested in our activities, please drop by.

Date and time: November 7th-9th Corporate exhibition hall Booth No.50
Principles of life seen from GTP
Cutting-edge research by GTP-GEEKS and its possibilities

11月7日、パシフィコ横浜で開催される第97回日本生化学会大会ではGTP GEEKSのブースも出展。

日時:11月7-9日 企業展示会場 ブースNo.50

Oct 21, 2024

PI Atsuo T. Sasaki will make a presentation at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society


PI Sasaki will give a presentation at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society to be held at Pacifico Yokohama on November 7th.
The topics of the presentations are as follows. Please check the society's website for details.

Date and time: Thursday, November 7th, 9:00-11:00, Hall 7 (G301)
Symposium: GTP Symphony: Exploring metabolic biochemistry and disease elucidation under physiological conditions.


日時:11月7日(木) 9:00-11:00 第7会場 (G301)

Oct 16, 2024

PI Atsuo T. Sasaki will make a presentation at the 18th Metabolome Symposium 2024.


At the 18th Metabolome Symposium 2024 to be held at the Advanced Research Industry Support Center in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture on October 23-25, 2024, PI Atsuo T. Sasaki will be speaking on the topic of "GTP metabolism and the dynamism of life: new perspectives on biological and disease control."

2024年10月23-25日に山形県鶴岡市 先端研究産業支援センターにて開催される第18回メタボロームシンポジウム2024にて、PIの佐々木敦朗が「GTP 代謝と生命のダイナミズム:生体と疾患制御への新視点」というテーマで登壇します。

Sep 19, 2024

Mr. Ohta gave a poster presentation at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association.


At the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, held in Fukuoka City on September 19-21, 2024, Mr.Ohta gave a presentation on "Discovery of direct activation of Mycophenolate mofetil/CellCept within cancer cells and its antiproliferative effects."

2024年9月19-21日に福岡市で開かれた第83回日本癌学会学術集会で大田さんが、「ミコフェノール酸モフェチル / セルセプトの癌細胞内活性化と蓄積および抗増殖作用の発見」について発表しました。

Jul 18, 2024

GTP-GEEKS Researchers Visit Sasaki Lab for Collaborative Discussions!

GTP GEEKSの先生方が佐々木ラボを訪問されました

On July 18th, we had the honor of welcoming Dr. Toshiya Senda, Dr. Miki Senda, Dr. Takeshi Murata, and Dr. Tatsuyoshi Kono from GTP-GEEKS to the Sasaki Lab at the University of Cincinnati. We engaged in passionate discussions, which allowed each of us to further deepen our research themes.


Nov 29, 2023

The 2nd GTP Hackathon will be held

On December 9th, a GTP hackathon will be held at Kiyosato Kogen, Yamanashi Prefecture. We will discuss the relationship between GTP and diseases, aging, diet, immunity, evolution, etc. Also, this year, how should we clarify the distribution of metabolites within cells? I would like to discuss the theory and method. Please check the link for more information about the program.


Nov 29, 2023

A Symposium will be held at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.

A symposium will be held by GTP-GEEKS members at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan, which will be held at the Kobe International Conference Center from December 6th to 8th. Sasaki and Iio will present from our laboratory. Please feel free to join us.

Theme: Cell metabolism research advanced by multi-scale analysis
Date: Thursday, December 7th 9:30-11:45
Venue: Venue 14 (Kobe International Conference Center 5F No. 504+505)

10:55-11:10 Aki Iio (Ogawa)
"Visualization of intracellular GTP localization using G-SHINE probe and its applications"

11:25-11:40 Atsuo T.Sasaki
"Unexplored areas of GTP energy metabolism illuminated by spatiotemporal multiscale analysis"


日付:12月7日(木) 9:30−11:45
会場:第14会場(神戸国際会議場 5F 504+505号)

10:55-11:10 飯尾(小川)亜樹

11:25-11:40 佐々木敦朗

Oct 27, 2023

Metastasis Symposium 2023

Metastasis Symposium 2023 was held. HFSP collaborator Dr. Laura Machesky gave a talk as an invited speaker. From ATS Lab, Prof. Sasaki, Dr. Iio, and Dr. Fujii gave presentations.

Metastasis Symposium 2023 が開催されました. HFSP の共同研究者 Dr. Laura Machesky をお招きしご講演頂きました。ATSラボからは、PI佐々木、飯尾さん、藤井さんが発表しました。

Oct 17, 2023

5G Retreat

On October 17th and 18th, we went to the 5G Retreat (workshop) with Keio members and Cancer Institute/Yokoyama Lab members. We learned a lot through many discussions.

10月17日と18日、慶応義塾大学のメンバーとがん研・横山研究室のメンバーで5Gリトリート(ワークショップ)に行ってきました。 ディスカッションを通して多くのことを学ぶことができました。

Dec 1, 2022

The 6th GTP-Workshop

The 6th GTP-Workshop at the 45th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan (MBSJ). Organizers: Atsuo Sasaki, Ph.D. and Miki Senda, Ph.D. This will be an exciting session!


Oct 18, 2022


Dr. Sasaki is scheduled to talk at Scienc-ome, the hot science forum Scienc-ome focuses on producing anti-disciplinary science achieved by cross-reality (XR), an international team, high-risk projects and research from various fields such as life science, physics, mathematics, engineering, and artificial intelligence.

Oct 13, 2022

The 2022 UC Cancer Symposium

The 2022 UC Cancer Symposium will bein person in person. Dr. Sasaki will be one of the speakers, introducing the role of GTP metabolism in regulating subcellular dynamics. We envision an inspirational gathering!

Oct 4, 2022

In the Tokyo Area

Dr. Sasaki is in the Tokyo area and available afternoon.

Oct 2, 2022


A seminar is scheduled at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science (TMiMS), followed by a Workshop with energetic groups working on neuroscience!

Sep 29, 2022

The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association

Dr. Sasaki is scheduled to present at the symposium session "Emerging discoveries and developments for the next generation of precision medicine" at the 81 st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association (JCA).


佐々木 敦朗, Ph.D.

教授: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine



Vontz Center 1328 (Office) / 1234 (Lab)3125 Eden Ave.、

Cincinati、Ohio 45267-0508

Copyright 2023 佐々木敦朗研究室 

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